Kunstwerke von Natalia Awenius
Series „Flow“. Canvas, acryle.
130 x 100 cm. 2024.
Preis / Price: 1700 €.
Freedom. Canvas, oil painting.
130 x 140 cm. 2024.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
While you’re sleep. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 120 cm. 2024.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Series „Golden hour“. Canvas, oil painting.
120 × 100 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Series „Golden hour“. Canvas, oil painting.
120 × 100 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Black and Blue. Canvas, oil painting.
135 x 120 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Serie „Flow“. Acryl auf Leinwand.
Series „Flow“. Canvas, acryle.
130 x 200 cm. 2023.
Serie „Flow“. Acryl auf Leinwand.
Series „Flow“. Canvas, acryle.
120 x 100 cm. 2023.
Series „Flow“. Canvas, acryle.
140 x 120 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Series „Flow“. Canvas, acryle.
100 x 70 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Series „Flow“. Canvas, acryle.
120 x 80 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Burning blue. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Spring. Canvas, oil painting.
110 x 80 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Farther than the sky. Canvas, oil painting.
110 x 100cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Through the time 2. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 120 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Hochsommer. Öl auf Leinwand.
Midsummer. Canvas, oil painting.
140 x 120 cm. 2023.
Preis / Price: 2900 €.
Licht in Potsdam. Öl auf Leinwand.
Light in Potsdam. Canvas, oil painting.
160 x 150 cm. 2022.
Serenity. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 120 cm. 2022.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Dawn. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 120 cm. 2022.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Through the time. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 140 cm. 2022.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Lagoon. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 130 cm. 2022.
Preis / Price: 3250 €.
Through the silence 2. Canvas, oil painting.
75 x 115 cm. 2022.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
„…and the flame shall not consume you.” Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 120 cm. 2022.
Preis / Price: 1690 €.
„And this righteousness will bring peace“. (Old Testament. Isaiah 32.17). Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 100 cm. 2022.
Preis / Price: 1950 €.
„…and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you.“ (The Old Testament. Jesaja 43.2). Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 120 cm. 2021.
Preis / Price: 1690 €.
“Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.” (The New Testament. Galatians 3). Canvas, oil painting.
160 x 120 cm. 2021.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Spiegelbild der Zeit – 2. Öl auf Leinwand.
Reflexion of time – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 80 cm. 2021.
Ocean. Canvas, oil painting.
160 x 120 cm. 2021.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Mohnblumenfeld. Öl auf Leinwand.
Poppy field. Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 100 cm. 2020.
„Cross“ series. Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 80 cm. 2020.
Preis / Price: 1690 €.
„Cross“ series. Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 80 cm. 2020.
Preis / Price: 1690 €.
Summer. Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 100 cm. 2020.
Preis / Price: 1820 €.
Evening. Canvas, oil painting.
110 x 90 cm. 2020.
Preis / Price: 1690 €.
Die Erschaffung der Welt. Der erste Tag. Öl auf Leinwand.
The creation of the world. The first day. Canvas, oil painting.
160 х 150 cm. 2015.
Under sky – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
110 x 80 cm. 2005.
Preis / Price: 2600 €.
Under sky. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 90 cm. 2005.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Light. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 115 cm. 2010.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Night in Venice. Canvas, oil painting.
90 x 100 cm. 2009.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Landscape – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 115 cm. 2010.
Preis / Price: 2990 €.
Landscape – 1. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 115 cm. 2010.
Preis / Price: 2470 €.
Cathedral in Worms. Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 100 cm. 2015.
Preis / Price: 2210 €.
Nordsee. Öl auf Leinwand.
North Sea. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 115 cm. 2010.
Venice landscapes – 2. Card, acryle.
70 x 100 cm. 2009.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Venice landscapes – 1. Card, acryle.
70 x 100 cm. 2009.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Landschaft im orangenen Licht. Öl auf Leinwand.
Landscape in orange light. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 80 cm. 2009.
Landscape with White House. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 90 cm. 2008.
Preis / Price: 1690 €.
Unter dem Himmel – 3. Öl auf Leinwand.
Under sky – 3. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2013.
Landscape with reflection. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 50 cm. 2009.
Preis / Price: 2470 €.
Venezia – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 60 cm. 2006.
Preis / Price: 2210 €.
Regatta. Öl auf Leinwand.
Regatta. Canvas, oil painting.
60 x 80 cm. 2009.
The flight of the beluga. Canvas, oil painting.
95 x 75 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 2470 €.
Reflexion of time. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Im Raum der Zeit. Öl auf Leinwand. In the space of time. Canvas, oil painting. 100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Durch die Stille. Öl auf Leinwand.
Through the silence. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Was ich mit Worten nicht ausdrücken kann. Öl auf Leinwand.
What I cannot say with words. Canvas, oil painting.
75 x 95 cm. 2004.
«Who are we? From where? And where do we go?». Canvas, oil painting.
110 x 85 cm. 2004.
Preis / Price: 3900 €.
Game. Canvas, oil painting.
75 x 120 cm. 2004.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Bewegung. Landschaft von Petersburg. Öl auf Leinwand.
Movement. Petersburg’s landscape. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 90 cm. 2004.
Jazz – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
90 x 70 cm. 2004.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Drawing on asphalt. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 75 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Madonna mit Kind. Öl auf Leinwand.
Madonna with a little child. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 65 cm. 2004.
In a room with red chairs. Canvas, oil painting.
90 x 70 cm. 2002.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Das Letzte Abendmahl (Stillleben) – 1. Öl auf Leinwand.
Lord’s Supper (still life) – 1. Canvas, oil painting.
80 x 70 cm. 2003.
Sacrificial offering by Abraham. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 60 cm. 2004.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Lord’s Supper (still life) – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
60 x 90 cm. 2004.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Two people. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Victory. Canvas, oil painting.
90 x 70 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1560 €.
Circus. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2002.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Stadtmusikant. Öl auf Leinwand.
Trumpeter. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2002.
Dance – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
130 x 90 cm. 2005.
Preis / Price: 4550 €.
Fischmarkt in Venedig. Öl auf Leinwand.
Fish market in Venezia. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 80 cm. 2006.
Talk with an angel. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1560 €.
Inside contemplation. Card, oil painting.
50 x 45 cm. 2002.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Reflection – 2. Card, oil painting.
73 x 53 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Landscape of St. Petersburg. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 2210 €.
Autumn song of a bee. Card, oil painting.
40 x 50 cm. 2002.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Reflection – 3. Canvas, oil painting.
90 x 70 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 2470 €.
Komposition 1. Öl auf Leinwand.
Composition 1. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 80 cm. 2003.
Peruvian-style composition. Sculpture, oil painting.
55 x 70 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Water as time. Canvas, oil painting.
90 x 75 cm. 2004.
Preis / Price: 1690 €.
Reflection. Venice. Card, acryle.
100 x 70 cm. 2006.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Über dem Wasser. Öl auf Leinwand.
Over the water. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 80 cm. 2004.
Movement time. Canvas, oil painting.
120 x 90 cm. 2007.
Preis / Price: 3250 €.
Serie «Hieroglyphen» – 2. Öl auf Leinwand.
Series «Hieroglyphs» – 2. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Series «Hieroglyphs» – 3. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Serie «Hieroglyphen» – 1. Öl auf Leinwand.
Series «Hieroglyphs» – 1. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Landschaft – 1. Öl auf Leinwand.
Landscape – 1. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 60 cm. 2003.
Rotes Stilleben. Öl auf Leinwand.
Still-life in red colours. Canvas, oil painting.
65 x 55 cm. 2003.
Grünes Stilleben. Öl auf Leinwand.
Still-life in green colours. Canvas, oil painting.
65 x 55 cm. 2003.
Reflexion – 4. Öl auf Leinwand.
Reflection – 4. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm.
Platanes. Canvas, oil painting.
95 x 60 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Rock and Roll. Öl auf Leinwand.
Rock-n-Roll. Canvas, oil painting.
75 x 55 cm. 2002.
Thinking. Canvas, oil painting.
55 x 45 cm. 2002.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Walking. New boots. Card, oil painting.
45 x 110 cm. 2002.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Reading person. Canvas, oil painting.
60 x 70 cm. 2002.
Preis / Price: 2990 €.
Game – 1. Canvas, oil painting.
52 x 42 cm. 1997.
Preis / Price: 2340 €.
Sich abgrenzen von…. Öl auf Leinwand.
Hedging off…. Canvas, oil painting.
70 x 45 cm. 2001.
Improvisation. Öl auf Leinwand.
Improvisation. Canvas, oil painting.
60 x 50 cm. 2001.
Motherhood – 2. Card, oil painting.
30 x 36 cm. 2000.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Motherhood – 1. Card, oil painting.
25 x 31 cm. 2000.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Etude. St. Petersburg. Card, oil painting.
27 x 31 cm. 1998.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Run. Card, oil painting.
45 x 40 cm. 2001.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Bewegung. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 80 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Silence. Canvas, oil painting.
37 x 47 cm. 2000.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
Cave jazz. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 70 cm. 2001.
Preis / Price: 3900 €.
Jazz. Canvas, oil painting.
75 x 60 cm. 2001.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Victims of war in Beslan. Canvas, oil painting.
110 x 90 cm. 2005.
Preis / Price: 3770 €.
Graffiti music. Canvas, oil painting.
115 x 60 cm. 2003.
Preis / Price: 2340 €.
Siberian landscape. Card, oil painting.
50 x 33 cm. 1998.
Preis / Price: 2470 €.
Two trees. Card, oil painting.
57 x 42 cm. 1997.
Preis / Price: 2210 €.
Uzbekistan. Shakhimardan. Etude. Card, oil painting.
25 x 31 cm. 1997.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Uzbekistan. Trees. Nurabad. Etude. Card, oil painting.
30 x 40 cm. 1999.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Uzbekistan. Etude. Card, oil painting.
29 x 24 cm. 1997.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Uzbekistan. In Margilan. Card, oil painting.
25 x 31 cm. 1997.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Uzbekistan. Two boys. Card, oil painting.
21 x 17 cm. 1998.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
One boy on the water Uzbekistan. Card, oil painting.
18 x 24 cm. 1997.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Uzbekistan. Etude. Vanya. Card, oil painting.
29 x 28 cm. 1999.
Preis / Price: Auf Anfrage / On demand.
Uzbekistan. Tashkent. Old City. Card, oil painting.
51 x 41 cm. 1997.
Preis / Price: 2600 €.
My Novosibirsk. Canvas, oil painting.
39 x 30 cm. 1998.
Preis / Price: 1300 €.
My Novosibirsk. Paper, coal pencil.
50 x 35 cm. 1998.
Preis / Price: 1250 €.
Portrait of a young woman. Paper, coal pencil.
50 x 40 cm. 1998.
Portrait of a young man. Paper, coal pencil.
50 x 40 cm. 1998.
Portrait of a old woman. Paper, coal pencil, pastel.
55 x 45 cm. 1998.
Portrait of a woman. Paper, coal pencil, pastel.
60 x 50 cm. 1997.
Self-portrait. Paper, coal pencil, pastel.
60 x 50 cm. 1998.
Anna. Paper, coal pencil.
70 x 50 cm. 1997.
Drawing. Paper, coal pencil.
72 x 30 cm. 1997.
Naked. Paper, coal pencil.
40 x 30 cm. 1998.
Woman in a yellow dress. Card, oil painting.
46 x 39 cm. 1999.
Naked. Canvas, oil painting.
100 x 50 cm. 1997.
Kontakt & Anfrage
Haben Sie Fragen oder Interesse an einem meiner Kunstwerke?
Sie können mich hier kontaktieren:
Natalia Awenius
A2 Galerie
Lindenstraße 53
14467 Potsdam
Telefon: +49 176 56798126
E-Mail: awenius.kunst@gmail.com
Montag – Freitag: 10:30 – 15:30 Uhr
Samstag: 10:30 – 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag: 13:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören!